Other Art Fair Tickets - Other Bits - Other NFTs
Sep 26, 2022
Bonjour amigos! It’s been a busy few months at Sam Towers. I've been to Birmingham to photograph more William Mitchell sculptures which has recently been listed with the persuasive power of the 20th Century Society. Also I finally got to attend an Open House event! Photos below…
BUT! The main news I’m squeaking to tell you is to share my debut showing at The Other Art Fair.
Make it stand out
I’d love to see you there! Use this code: OTHER30
It’s a huge moment for me and if you’d like to come down and join me, please be my guest. I’d love to see you plus my stand is next to the bar.
Here’s a sneak peep of what I’ll be exhibiting below…
This week I sold my 3rd NFT. It’s a brave new world out there and it’s certainly been interesting. The community is key and wasn’t what I was expecting at all! This is my profile if you might like to take a look for yourself
Stockwell Bus Station
I finally got to enjoy an event with Open House! 18 years 15 years I’ve unsuccessfully attempted to attend one of these, every year something stopped me. Not this year though, not even the 12 hours wait to see The Queen that I had done the night before until 7.30 am. Home by 8.30 and out again by 11. Eyes streaming. But holy moly I wanted to see this bus station. Plus my mate had bought tickets and I didn’t wanna let him down. Here’s my six favourite shots.
Porth, South Wales
A year ago a lovely lady emailed me to tell me that she’d been trying to inspire her photography students and they’d stumbled on me. Crazy I know. So they emailed me some questions and advice and set off with their camera phones to see what they could find. The images I was sent blew me away. An amazing portrait of a place I feel I should know but don’t. So, I went. I found the places they’d taken to have my own take on them and take in the area. God, I loved it. It’s easy to overlook the places closest to home but often they have the most interesting stories. I’ll be back.