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I’m on the BBC / Tenth Anniversary Of 12:34. - Samuel Ryde Fine Art Phototography

I’m on the BBC / Tenth Anniversary Of 12:34.

I’m on the BBC / Tenth Anniversary Of 12:34.

Woah Woah Woah.

So today is the day I finally get on to the BBC. If I said it wasn’t an ambition of mine I’d be really really lying. I always had this fantasy of sitting on BBC Breakfast with Bill Turnbull as he pulls that quizzical face all presenters pull when they’re faced with anything not quite black and white. Then I’d explain the concept and how we got here. As it turns out it wasn’t Bill, it was a lovely guy called Jamie who came to the salon that I work in to film and interview me. I loved every second.

But look at me waffling on. I haven’t even mentioned why the BBC were here! They were here to interview me. Interview me for the tenth anniversary of my 12:34 project. If you’re not familiar with my 12:34 project, allow me to fill you in. Back in 2010, everyone was going nuts for ‘blogs’. When I started to think about what kind of blog I might make, obviously my first thought was to post photographs (this is pre-Insta). Then I thought about the idea of taking a photograph at the same time every day. Now that would be interesting. You couldn't get away from your life, what you’re doing or who you’re with. Even the repetition of scenes would be interesting. I also thought it might challenge me as a photographer to be creative in every situation. I have a working opinion that there’s always a good photo to be taken in any situation, no matter how hard. There’s always a story. So I set an alarm on my phone on the 16th Feb 2012 for 12:34 and I’ve been taking a photo that day ever since. Now don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been easy. At times it seemed impossible. But those images that appear pointless are the ones that are the truest reflection of life. If you ask someone to pose, that’s not them you’re seeing, not the real them, they’re showing how they want to be portrayed. Those horrible faces we pull when we don’t know someone’s taking a photo, those are the real moments of life. But that’s the beauty of doing something for ten years, the truth is revealed.


So here we are, ten years later, minus a six-month hiatus when I needed to recapture the love after being burgled.


So let’s watch the bloody interview, shall we?

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Thank you for loving my photography, I can't wait to see it on your wall - Sam

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