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Affordable Art Fair - Fags and Mags -12:34 - Samuel Ryde Fine Art Phototography

Affordable Art Fair - Fags and Mags -12:34

Affordable Art Fair - Fags and Mags -12:34

The Affordable Art Fair.

Finally! I have finally exhibited a the Affordable Art Fair. What a moment. Not to be too mushy BUT I’d have always wanted to be in this fair. Obviously, there are other fairs too, but this was always the one I’d walk around and think “one day Sammy”. That day has come. Huge thank you to Degree Art for taking a chance on me and letting me exhibit these works, it was such a magnificent feeling to walk into this prestigious event with my work on show. A real ’life’ moment. I’m so honoured to have this opportunity, it’s been a real long journey to get here.

The other lovely moment from this weekend was finally getting to see an artist I have been following for ages. Her name is Marie Lenclos and she paints the most beautiful urban scenes. I love her eye and the way she translates the easily overlooked streets of London into these beautiful artworks. I’ll put some in the pics below but you can check all her work here and her Instagram here

She’s even agreed to let me interview her, watch this space…

Fags and Mags

£100 unframed - £250 framed.

Also this month I have decided to have a limited release of the iconic ‘Fags and Mags’. It’s an image that needs to introduction. But I’ll introduce it anyway. I’d love to claim I came across this image by chance, but the truth is I’d seen it being banded around insta and thought it was fantastic. When I Googled it I discovered it was only half an hour from my house. So, I went. It’s tucked away in Newbury Park, which as I found out on arrival, has the most amazing bus station, originally built for the Festival of Britain in1951. It’s a beast! I’ll add some pics below.

So, once again for the people at the back. LIMITED TIME RELEASE.


Where do I start with the reaction from 12:34??

I mean, it was nuts! 900000 views on the BBC. I was on The Adrian Chiles show live on FiveLive, I was live on radio in Ireland and Australia. I was even on IrelandAM tv show. One guy in LA wants to do an exhibition, a couple sent me a message because they had their first child at that time. The messages came thick and fast. It was truly a magical experience, my fifteen minutes. Took ten years though, gotta keep reminding myself of that fact. Here’s to the next ten! In the meantime, here are a few of my favourites from 2022 so far.

Ok, that’s quite enough of that. Can’t wait to see what the next month holds.

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Thank you for loving my photography, I can't wait to see it on your wall - Sam

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