The Best Chinese Food in Town
Sep 09, 2020
As I mentioned before, going to New York in February was one of the best choices I have ever made. I knew that what ever happened, I wanted to be in a position that I had loads of content, ready to roll. Plus there were some images I took in 2019 that I wasn’t happy with, so the £215 flight seemed too good to miss. I had a list on my Google maps of a few million places, and joints I wanted to retake, so off I went, tripod and my new Fuji XT3 in hand.
Of the 5 I wanted to retake, only 1 was left. Which is a strong turn around in less than 12 months, and really brings to the fore how transient the world around us is and what we take for granted, washroom wise. I always promised myself I’d never use a tripod, but my test images weren’t up to the task, so there was only one option. Ive never really used a tripod before, so I’m very slow. This means I’m stuck in the bathroom for 20 minutes every-time I walk into a new establishment. Which tests a-lot of peoples patience. Including mine, but mostly my mate Marc. It was worth it. The images are crispy crisp and still super clear even when they’re blown up to larger than actual size. I needed them to pop, and pop they do.
Two weeks later, and we’re in full lock down. A baron few months indeed. SO. Yesterday I popped of to Hastings. One of my clients had shown me the Chinese mural in a place called ‘Ore’ and I knew I needed it. A little trip to the seaside, St Leonards, Hastings and Ore. If you haven’t been, its a tip top use of a day. I’ll post the images from the day on my personal page @samuelryde and the utilitarian hand dryer action will be on my page forthwith. Stand by suckers.