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E=MC2 - Samuel Ryde Fine Art Phototography



Did you know Richard Herring has the worlds oldest blog? He’s blogged, and I’ve just double-checked this, 6668 times. If I’d pulled my finger out sooner I could have written this on the same day as his 6666th but 6668 will do. This is my 5th. I promised myself I’d write every two weeks, that turned into once a month and now its once every two months. Lockdown has written a variation of Einstein’s theory and actually sped time up to a point where everything feels exactly the same. Someone should do a podcast.

To maintain the shine to my day I thought it might be a lovely idea to share some recent victories I’ve had. I wanted to start with the moment Dazed featured my ‘Telephone Booth’ series. A huge moment for me and actually the first piece of press I’ve received that wasn’t to do with Hand Dryers or through a pr person. I don’t wanna get carried away but there are not many magazines as highly respected as Dazed and was a real watershed moment in my life. After Hand Dryers was released and everyone was asking ‘what next’ I told people I wanted my next series to be on phone booths. It wasn’t met with too much excitement, but neither were the hand dryers. Sometimes you just know and you have to stick with whatever it is you think you need to be doing. So for the first piece of press Telephone Booths received to be something as zeitgeist as Dazed, it meant a lot. From that piece, I got messages from everywhere. I had another interview for an online magazine called ‘Umbrella’ and yesterday my interview with the Portuguese newspaper Publica was published. Having to verbalise what you see and the project you are trying to convey forces you to think to abut exactly what is it you’re trying to achieve.

“Ryde has a flair taking beautiful photographs of the ordinary artefacts of everyday life.”
— Dazed

As many of you may know, I also have a photographic blog that has just entered its 10th year. Entitled 12:34 its a daily blog of whatever I’m doing at that precise moment, however boring that may be. The original concept was purely to see how life would look if you captured it every day and also to test myself as a photographer to try and create something at that moment that might be funny or poignant or remarkable. It’s ebbed and flowed through the years and in 2019 to be honest I was sick to death of it. I’d been burgled twice and was travelling, so having a public blog that pinpoints my location precisely every day seems like a security risk. So I dropped it. 6 months later the itch returned and I’ve been taking them every day since, purely for my own sake. On New Year’s day, I published a video of the whole of 2020 which I found slightly more emotional than I’d thought I would. Anyway, 2021 has been a total lockdown thus far So I’m adding a couple of images that I like from this year.

Oh, one other thing quickly. I added some landscape images to my website. Hope ya like um.

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